Friday, September 16, 2011

Green Lantern #1

Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Doug Mahnke and Christian Alamy
Cover by Ivan Reis and Joe Prado
On sale September 14, 2011 - 32 pages for $2.99
Rated T

My rating: 4/5
Will this be in my pull list? Probably.

Previews Text: The red-hot GREEN LANTERN team of writer Geoff Johns and artist Doug Mahnke introduce an unexpected new Lantern.

Yeah. That's everything that Previews says about the first issue of Green Lantern. Now, I can see why it's everything they said. Back when that issue of Previews came out War of the Green Lanterns was still going. They didn't even have this cover image in the book because it was a spoiler for the end of the series. I don't blame them in the slightest for not saying what happened and who the "new" Lantern was, especially since it isn't a new one at all, it's a returning Lantern. But not one that died in the past. Though, I dunno, he could have done that in the past.

The Skittles Corps aren't an area of the DCU that I've really followed, but I'm open to new characters.

Now, as you can probably tell from the cover of this issue, Hal Jordan isn't the lead Lantern in the series. Surprisingly, Sinestro is. But don't worry, Hal wasn't thrown to the wayside in favor or Sinestro or anything, he still plays a major part in the book. Just... not while wearing a magic green ring.

The book was excellent, which shouldn't surprise me considering it's written by Geoff Johns. I'm going to continue reading it, at least for a little while, to see if I can finally get into the Green Lantern branch of the universe.

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