Written by Scott Lobdell
Art by RB Silva and Rob Lean
Cover by Eric Canete
Rated T
My rating: 4/5
Will this be in my pull list? It's possible.
Previews Text: They thought he was just an experiment - and a failed one at that! Grown from a combination of Kryptonian and human DNA, the Clone was no more than a set of data to the scientists of Project N.O.W.H.E.R.E. But when the scope of his stunning powers was revealed, he became a deadly weapon! Now the question is: Can a clone develop a conscience?
I know, I know. This review has arrived later than the rest of this week's reviews, but honestly? I got busy. Then distracted. Then busy again. In fact, I just read this issue a few minutes ago.
Now. It's been said before, but it's worth repeating. I've never been a fan of characters with "Super" in their titles, and Superboy was never exempt from that statement.
But. This issue, like Action Comics, surprised me. It was extremely interesting and not what I expected in the slightest. In fact, out of all the comics from this week that I've said might be in my pull list, this one is the closest to securing a spot. If nothing else I'm probably going to at least give it an arc so I can find out if it stays as good as this first issue was.
At this rate it's possible that the entire "Super" family will be in my pull list, just like how I know the "Bat" family will be.
I don't want to say a lot to give away the events of the issue, but seriously. Give it a try. Even if you don't like the family like me there's a shot that you'll enjoy this one.
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