Written by J.T. Krull
Art by Dan Jergens and Norm Rapmund
Cover by Brett Booth and Rob Hunter (This is according to Previews, but they have a different cover shown from the one that was actually released.)
On sale September 7, 2011 - 32 pages for $2.99
Rated T
My Rating: 2/5
Will this be in my pull list? Nope.
Previews Text: Green Arrow is on the hunt. Driven by inner demons, Ollie Queen travels the world and brings outlaws to justice... by breaking every law.
Now, armed with cutting-edge weaponry and illegally gained intel (courtesy of his team at QCore), Green Arrow is shooting first and asking questions later.
I'm going to say it up front. This comic wasn't for me. Some of my friends liked it, and I can see why they liked it, but it just wasn't my thing.
Oliver Queen - AKA: Green Arrow - is having to take down super powered kids who want to - wait for it - make violent videos to post on the internet. Yes, that really is their goal. And the fact that they so very often referred to the fact that they're taking the videos on their Q-phones makes me think that they have something to do with QCore, the branch of Queen Industries that Oliver doesn't want much to do with. Even though the Previews text said that's where he gets all his intel from. Yeah.
This issue kinda bored me. I found myself waiting for it to end. But that's just my opinion, not everyone is going to agree with it and I wouldn't expect them to. Hell, one of my good friends thought it was great. But I'm standing by what I said. Sorry, Green Arrow, you're not making the pull list.
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