Written by Scott McDaniel and John Rozum
Art and cover by Scott McDaniel and Jonathan Glapion
On sale September 7, 2011 - 32 pages for $2.99
Rated T
My Rating: 3/5
Will it be in my pull list? Sorry, no.
Previews Text: The brilliant, slightly awkward high school student Virgil Hawkins transforms into the cocky electromagnetic hero Static!
A mysterious tragedy forces the Hawkins family to relocate from Dakota to New York City! Virgil embarks upon new adventures in a new high school and a new internship at S.T.A.R. Labs!
As Static, he dons a new uniform and establishes a new secret headquarters! But is he ready to take on the new villains who lurk in New York City's underworld?
They are very excited all the way through their teaser! You can tell by the fact that there is only one sentence that doesn't end with an exclamation point!
But, the teaser isn't what I'm here to talk about. I'm here to discuss the actual meat of the Static Shock debut issue. Well, debut for this run of it, at least.
Yet again, it was something that I decided to give a chance to (meaning it was one of the New 52. I'm going to read every single first issue, thanks.) and it just didn't click for me. It could be the fact that this is the first I've encountered Static outside of the journal based RP games that I play in. I never watched the cartoon, didn't ever come across comics he was in in the past, none of it. I know a lot of people that are very devoted to his character and they were thrilled when it was announced that he would be getting a new series. But it could be the fact that I was never invested in him, I just... didn't really care that much when I read the issue.
It was well written and decently drawn, I'll give it that. Not quite my usual style, but I could accept the artwork. There are going to be a lot of people who love this series.
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