Written by Judd Winick
Art and cover by Ben Oliver
On sale September 7, 2011 - 32 pages for $2.99
Rated T
My Rating: 3/5
Will it be in my pull list? Hopefully. But it isn't a top priority.
Previews Text: Africa, a land of beauty - and of great horror. A land of creation and conflict. It is in desperate need of a defender, and from the ranks of Batman Incorporated comes a soldier to carry on the legacy of The Dark Knight in the most tumultuous region on Earth. Meet Batwing, the Batman of Africa!
Ah, Batwing. The first of the New 52 to not make my monthly pull list. But don't get me wrong, it was a fun read with absolutely fall over stunning art, but there was just so much good stuff that I couldn't keep it all. This is one that if I can manage another title in my pull list it'll be right back in there.
This is another branch of the Bat family. Batman Inc. is still up and running, and Batwing is the member in Africa. He's even got his own big bad - a man that goes by Massacre who enjoys killing drug dealers and former vigilantes.
Plus, Batwing takes places in the single most corrupt and crime ridden city in Africa. There's bound to be tons of stories to tell in a place like that.
Like I said, it was a good story and I would love to see out it pans out, and the art was absolutely amazing. I really do hope that my pull list has room for it next month.
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