Written by Peter Milligan
Art and cover by Ed Benes and Rob Hunter
On sale September 14, 2011 - 32 pages for $2.99
Rated T+
My rating: 5/5
Will this be in my pull list? Absolutely.
Previews Text: Atrocitus and his Red Lantern Corps return in their own series, battling against injustice in the most bloody ways imaginable!
Again, a Skittles Corps book that doesn't give very much info in the Previews. But when it comes to Red Lanterns you don't really need much more than that.
One thing you need to know is this. While the Green Lanterns work based in willpower, because green is the color of the willpower in question, what do you think fuels the Red Lanters? If your answer was "RAGE" then you were right! This team is pissed off, almost to the point of not caring about anything else whatsoever.
And they have a kitty. A cute kitty that I want to keep. He is blue.
And he will scalp a bitch with his Red Lantern anger. Seriously, he does it on one of the first few pages of the book.
As I said when I talked about Green Lantern, I never really followed Skittles Corps stuff, and man. Apparently I was missing out. I wasn't really looking all that forward to this one aside from the fact that Peter Milligan was writing it (I am a big fan of Hellblazer) and the fact that I got a copy while my friend who adores the Skittles branch of the universe couldn't get his hands on one. So I expected some good writing with characters I didn't give a crap followed by going "LOL GUESS WHAT I READ" at him.
I was sort of right.
The book was flat out spectacular. One issue in and I already give a crap about this series. I want it to continue forever. I want to read it forever. And I want that one really angry guy back on Earth to be handed a ring. If you read the issue you know who I'm talking about. If you didn't read it yet, eh, don't worry. It's not me trying to hint at an already established character. It's just some dude who's grandpa was killed towards the beginning of the book. (And I would like to point out that his grandpa looked quite a lot like Clint Eastwood to me, thanks.)
Will this be in my pull list? You'd better believe it will! It was great!
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