Written by Sterling Gates
Art and cover by Rob Liefeld
On sale September 7, 2011 - 32 pages for $2.99
Rated T
My Rating: 1/5
Will this be in my pull list? Dear god no.
Previews Text: Hank Hall is not happy. He's not happy to have Dawn Granger as a new partner in his war on crime. He's not happy that she's dating the ghostly Super Hero, Deadman. He's not happy to learn that someone is trying to plunge the United States into a new civil war!
Now it's up to Hawk and Dove to root out the forces behind this conflict and stop them before they turn the U.S. into a wasteland!
And who is the monster lurking in the shadows, watching Hawk and Dove from afar? Find out in this new series from Sterling Gates (FLASHPOINT: KID FLASH LOST) and Rob Liefeld (X-FORCE, YOUNGBLOOD)!
Hawk and Dove. Written by Sterling Gates. Art by Rob Liefeld. Sterling Gates is a decent writer, I might even be able to enjoy this book if... Okay, no, I can't. I just can't. The characters were bland, nothing of note really happened. It was bad. really bad. But as bad as the lack of story and personality is, that isn't even the worst thing about this book.
The problem is Rob Liefeld. His art is just ridiculous. I hesitate to even call it art in the first place. It's a mess. Every male character looks the same except slight changes in their hair and maybe skin tone, and every female... okay, well, it's the same story for them.
If you have never had to sit through one of his ill proportioned, where-are-the-feet, things-don't-work-that-way, why-do-the-details-change-between-panels, physics defying (everyone floats, no one walks) books then you should count yourself lucky.
I'm not even that bad of an art snob or anything. I'll sit through some ugly things in favor of a good story. Unless it's Liefeld bad. I just can't do it.
Sterling Gates, might I recommend you switch to a book where you can actually give characters some personality and get the hell away from Liefeld?
Liefeld, what kind of blackmail do you have over the heads of comic companies that makes them keep hiring you?
Nope. This one is not getting anywhere near my pull list.
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