Saturday, September 4, 2010

Things I Need To Spend My Money On But I Never Get Around To It

Considering I only work part time, I'm not the richest of people. My job that gives me money consists of going to eight different grocery stores three times a week and putting Mayfield milk on the shelves. My route takes me about three hours a day. That means I work about nine hours a week on the milk-stocking. That's not much.

My job that doesn't pay me in money, but instead pays me in store credit, is working roughly once a week at the comic shop that I spend too much time at anyway. I bag comics once a week and write for the newsletter. Like I said, I don't get paid in money. But I get store credit which keeps me from spending the little bits of money that I actually have. Usually. Sometimes I spend money there anyway.

There are some things that I should actually be spending my money on though. The problem is, I never seem to get around to these things. Here's a short list of the first things that come to mind on that list.

1. New Tires

In February I was informed that I need two new tires. I have not gotten them yet. This is especially bad when you consider that my money-job keeps me driving from place to place for roughly an hour and a half each time I work. And the fact that if I ever want to go do something I have to go to one of the neighboring cities, as there is nothing to do in this city and none of my friends I hang out with live here anyway.

2. An Oil Change

Luckily, this is not something that I've been putting off. The point where I need an oil change just rolled around earlier this week.

3. New Wipers

Whenever I use my wipers they leave my windshield streaky now. I've had my car for four years and I've never replaced them. I really should get around to doing this part. It's not even expensive or anything.

4. Windshield Fluid Stuff

I ran out about a month ago. The fluid is only about $2 per gallon, but I haven't gotten any yet. Partly because of the fact that I'm not sure where to even pour the stuff because there's this big plastic thing that goes over the engine of my car. No, I don't mean the hood. My hood is metal, not plastic. Anyway, there's this big plastic thing and I'm not sure how to get it off. Could be because I've never tried to, but I've never had a reason to take it off. The only thing I'm sure of how to do under there is check my oil, and the oil cap actually comes up through the plastic thingy so I don't have to worry about that.

See? I have all that stuff I should get. But I haven't. Because clearly there is something wrong with me where I put off car stuff even though I paid a lot of money for my car and I use it a lot because it is actually flat out necessary to work.

Here are the things I've spent money on this week, not including stuff like gas and coffee. (No, not Starbucks. That's too much. I mean coffee from the gas station.)

1. Smallville Season One

I justified this buy getting a used copy for only $10 instead of the $30 or more that it would cost everywhere else. And by the fact that I don't have cable in my room and I've been going through the four seasons of Stargate SG-1 that I already owned since my cable went out, but I'm almost done with season four. Therefor, I'm almost out of entertainment in my room. Unless I want to play video games the entire time I'm in there. I don't.

2. Hellblazer Presents Chas: The Knowledge

I justified this in a couple ways. For one thing, I hardly ever actually spend money at the comic shop. I just take everything for free cause of that store credit I earn. And I felt kind of bad for that for the time it took to buy this graphic novel. As soon as I got it though, I didn't feel bad any more. Now I can probably go on not spending money there for a few more weeks before I guilt myself into spending money there again.

Secondly, I've been slowly collecting the Hellblazer trades and that was one that I didn't have already.

3. Marvel Universe vs. The Punisher #2

Why did I buy that this past Sunday instead of waiting till Wednesday to get it for free? See above. When I talked about getting Hellblazer. Again, the guilt was gone as soon as I left the store. That, and the fact that my brain was going "Hey, it's just $3.99. I can swing that."

Oh, and I was out of comics to read for the week.

So now you have what I spent my money on this week instead of important stuff like tires and an oil change.

Also, here is what I have done with this stuff.

Smallville- I set it on my desk beside my DVD player. It has not been watched yet.
Hellblazer Presents Chas: The Knowledge- I have read 2/5 of it. Not the entire thing. It's sitting on my floor beside my bed, along with all the other comics I haven't read yet. (I replenished my supply on Wednesday when more came out. I did not spend money on them Wednesday.)
Marvel Universe vs. The Punisher- I have not read it yet. It is in my stack of comics-to-be-read, along with Hellblazer.

Keep in mind that I got all three things on Sunday. It is now Saturday. Clearly my purchases were well worth it and couldn't have possibly waited until I had taken care of all the other things on my list. Because I am a moron.

Update!: I have finished Hellblazer. It was good.

I still haven't touched Smallville or Marvel Universe though.

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