So here's the thing. At my house, we enjoy coffee in the morning. That in itself isn't that unusual. But my mom and my stepdad only make enough for them when they make it. I can't really blame them for doing this, as I don't always drag myself out of bed when it's actually, you know. Morning time. Let alone before they go to work.
But for the past week or so I actually have been getting up early so go me.
I enjoy coffee as well, but considering they only make enough for them in the mornings I just wait until after they leave and make an entire pot for myself. Because it's delicious. And I need about twice as much as they do because for some reason they think it's a good idea to mix the decaff grinds and the regular grinds together. I don't believe in this. I believe that coffee should have as much caffeine in it as humanly possible. Plus, they make the coffee weak anyway. That's just another problem entirely. So basically, I like my coffee strong and caffeinated, not weak and doesn't wake you up.
Yesterday I ran out of my favorite Irish Cream flavored creamer so when I made my coffee I put a little nutmeg and cinnamon in the grinds. It was fantastic. My mom was aware I did this yesterday and she grumbled a bit but let it go.
One thing you need to know about my mom is that if it's not Altoid flavored cinnamon, she doesn't like it. Meaning she doesn't like cinnamon that actually tastes like cinnamon. Because Altoids, Big Red, those little red round candies that I can't remember the name of, they don't actually taste like real cinnamon. They taste vaguely like it, but with the sort-of-hot factor amped up about fifty extra notches. It's sort of how fruit-flavored candy never tastes like the fruit they're supposed to resemble. Banana, grape, lemon, and especially watermelon and cherry. You'd think that the creators of the artificial flavors had never had real cinnamon or fruit before.
Yesterday, once I had my pot of coffee and everything, I rinsed out the coffee pot, made sure there were no cinnamony grinds in the top maker part, and all was good.
Until this morning.
Apparently, a very slight cinnamon flavor was left behind. Very slight. As in when my mom was bitching about how I ruined her morning because her coffee tastes like cinnamon I took a sip of her coffee. You could hardly taste it. You would barely even notice a difference at all if you were unaware that I made my coffee differently the morning before. And yet, this slight little difference ruined my mom's morning.
Oh well. I made it my way again today. I'll just be sure to rinse it again and not tell her that I put cinnamon in my pot this morning. And at a later date I'll just get my own pot and my own grinds. Possibly ones that are already cinnamon flavored just to annoy her by having them in the house.
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